How About Leo Marching With Indians For Climate Change Or Something This Weekend

Have to blog this because the “OMG PRIVATE JET THO!” crowd loses their minds when Leo does this shit. They go crazy. I can feel their aneurysms from here as they soak in this footage. Leo The Great flying his movie star ass in on a gas-guzzling G6, holding climate justice signs with some indian chiefs for a few hours, banging a handful of supermodels, then jetting out the next morning. His experience stands in such beautiful contrast to that of everyone else’s.

I mean, look at him smirking in everyone else’s miserable faces here.





Not miserable or perplexed:

Sums it up perfectly. We also had internet founder and CEO Al Gore out there ripping it up.

Electric. Richard Branson too. What a party there was in DC last night.

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